Safeway or Work

With different guests staying at my place for most of the last two weeks postings have been light, but Becks reminds me that tonight is the last stakeholders working group meeting for the expansion of the College Avenue Safeway. I went to the last meeting October 22 and had some thoughts I have yet to post (how does V Smoothe do it?), but hope to soon.

In that same post Becks mentions another event tonight, CRE8 at Swarm Gallery, for those more interested in art than planning and development. Another option for those interested in architecture (unfortunately Safeway seems not to offer much), is a lecture at UC-Berkeley by New York-based Work Architecture Company, who won the NYCMoMA / P.S. 1 Young Architects Program competition this year with their project Public Farm 1 (image above). The lecture is at 7:00 pm at 112 Wurster Hall on campus.

Tonight being my last guest's final night in town, I won't be making it to any of the events this evening. But Thursday I hope to make it down to the Mix It Up East Bay to hear V and meet some of the kids.